田纳西州提升水接触咨询 后Hurricane Helene,认为河流安全。 Tennessee lifts water contact advisory post-Hurricane Helene, deeming rivers safe.
田纳西州环境和自然保护部(Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation)取消了在10月飓风海伦(Hurricane Helene)洪水后发布的水接触警告。 The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has lifted a water contact advisory issued after Hurricane Helene's flooding in October. 咨询意见警告不得与五个河流流域的水接触,其依据是谨慎,而不是水质数据。 The advisory, which warned against contact with waters in five river watersheds, was based on caution rather than water quality data. 测试表明水质恢复到飓风前的水平,从而可以解除咨询。 Testing showed the water quality returned to pre-hurricane levels, allowing the advisory to be lifted. DEC专员David Salyers向公众保证,现在水是安全的,尽管原先存在的鱼类消费建议仍然有效。 TDEC Commissioner David Salyers assured the public that the water is now safe, though pre-existing fish consumption advisories remain in effect.