格雷斯故事f改版,于2025年发布,为2009年的JRPG提供了增强的图形和功能,吸引了新老粉丝. Tales of Graces f Remastered, released in 2025, offers enhanced graphics and features for the 2009 JRPG, attracting both new and old fans.
2025年出版的Graces f Remastered的故事是2009年最初的JRPG的强化版本,现在可在现代平台上查阅。 Tales of Graces f Remastered, released in 2025, is an enhanced version of the original 2009 JRPG, now available on modern platforms. 它的特色是改善图形,提高生活质量,如无障碍的高级商店和可跳跃的切片,并保留原创的热门故事和角色。 It features improved graphics, quality-of-life upgrades like an accessible Grade Shop and skippable cutscenes, and retains the original's engaging story and characters. 该游戏的战斗系统包括一个连锁能力机械师,它仍然是一个突出的特色。 The game's combat system, which includes a Chain Capacity mechanic, remains a standout feature. 尽管有一些节奏问题,但它提供了一个坚实的重制版,没有新的内容,吸引了新手和老玩家. Despite some pacing issues, it offers a solid remaster with no new content, appealing to both new and returning players.