Suzuki将印度作为EV枢纽, 推出新模型以捕捉50%的汽车市场。 Suzuki targets India as EV hub, launching new models to capture 50% of car market.
Suzuki汽车公司计划在2025年启动e Vitara SUV和eAccess Scuter, 使印度成为全球EV制造中心。 Suzuki Motor Corporation plans to make India its global EV manufacturing hub, launching the e Vitara SUV and eAccess scooter in 2025. 该公司的目标是夺取印度50%的汽车市场,向日本和欧洲出口车辆。 The company aims to capture 50% of India's car market and export vehicles to Japan and Europe. 铃木将侧重于负担得起的EV,新的电舱Y2V,定于2028年生产。 Suzuki will focus on affordable EVs, with a new electric hatchback, the Y2V, set for production by 2028. 该公司在印度不断增长的EV市场中看到了潜力,尽管小型汽车销售减速,并计划开发混合、中转和氢气技术。 The company sees potential in India's growing EV market, despite a slowdown in small car sales, and plans to develop hybrid, CNG, and hydrogen technologies.