研究:美国每年吸烟费用超过6 000亿美元,每个吸烟者的费用从310万美元到540万美元不等。 Study: Smoking costs U.S. over $600 billion yearly, with per smoker costs ranging from $3.1M to $5.4M by state.
“钱包Hub”公司最近的研究表明,美国每年吸烟费用超过6000亿美元,个人经济负担沉重。 WalletHub's recent study reveals that smoking costs the U.S. over $600 billion annually, with significant individual financial burdens. 在新泽西,吸烟者在一年中花费将近94 000美元,而在一生中,费用可能达到近450万美元。 In New Jersey, smokers spend nearly $94,000 over a year, while over a lifetime, the cost can reach almost $4.5 million. 明尼苏达州排名第七,每个吸烟者的费用为470万美元,包括自费、财务机会、保健和收入损失。 Minnesota ranks seventh, with a per smoker cost of $4.7 million, including out-of-pocket, financial opportunity, healthcare, and income loss costs. 纽约是最昂贵的州,为540万美元,南卡罗来纳州最低,为310万美元。 New York is the most expensive state at $5.4 million, while South Carolina is the least, at $3.1 million. 报告强调,烟草价格上涨可以减少需求,并倡导更强有力的戒烟方案和政策。 The report emphasizes that increasing tobacco prices can reduce demand and advocates for stronger cessation programs and policies.