新加坡授予Tarun Das奖, Singapore honored Tarun Das with an award for boosting ties between Singapore and India.
新加坡向印度工业联合会前总干事塔伦·达斯颁发了大大加强新加坡与印度双边关系的荣誉公民奖。 Singapore awarded Tarun Das, former Director General of the Confederation of Indian Industry, the Honorary Citizen Award for significantly enhancing bilateral ties between Singapore and India. 该奖项由塔尔曼·尚穆格拉特南总统颁发,表彰达斯对各国经济和文化关系的贡献。 The award, given by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, recognizes Das's contributions to the countries' economic and cultural relations. Das在诸如印度-新加坡战略对话等倡议中发挥了关键作用,促进了各国之间更强有力的联系。 Das played a key role in initiatives like the India-Singapore Strategic Dialogue, fostering stronger connections between the nations.