在尼日利亚领导人争端中,警察封锁了里弗斯州人民民主党总部。 Police barricade Rivers State PDP headquarters amid leadership dispute in Nigeria.
由于领导人争端,警察封锁了哈科特港的里弗斯州人民民主党(PDP)秘书处。 Police have barricaded the Rivers State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) secretariat in Port Harcourt due to a leadership dispute. 两个派别声称是真正的国家执行委员会,而里弗斯州高等法院宣布2024年人民民主党大会无效,并禁止Aaron Chukwuemeka担任主席。 Two factions claim to be the authentic state executive committee, and the Rivers State High Court nullified the 2024 PDP congresses and barred Aaron Chukwuemeka from acting as chairman. 两个派别都举行了记者招待会,以维护其合法性,危机在持续紧张的情况下继续存在。 Both factions held press conferences to assert their legitimacy, and the crisis continues with ongoing tensions.