纽约大都会队考虑交易小弗拉基米尔·格雷罗,但面临高昂的成本和谈判。 The New York Mets consider trading for Vladimir Guerrero Jr., but face high costs and negotiations.
纽约大都会正在探讨是否可能交易多伦多蓝Jays明星一垒手Vladimir Guerrero Jr., 以取代自由代理Pete Alonso。 The New York Mets are exploring the possibility of trading for Toronto Blue Jays star first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr., as a potential replacement for free agent Pete Alonso. 然而,由于价格高的标签 " Jr. Guerrero " 命令(据报至少要4亿5千万美元),贸易似乎不太可能。 However, a trade seems unlikely due to the high price tag Guerrero Jr. commands, reportedly seeking at least $450 million. Blue Jays夫妇也正在努力与Guerrero Jr.达成合同协议,Guerrero Jr.正在进入其最后的团队控制年头。 The Blue Jays are also struggling to reach a contract agreement with Guerrero Jr., who is entering his final year of team control. 如果不能达成交易 他明年就可以成为自由特工了 If a deal isn't reached, he could become a free agent next year.