微软的Acclivision Blizzad收购 并没有像预期的那样 提升Xbox游戏通过订阅率 Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition hasn't boosted Xbox Game Pass subscriptions as expected.
微软收购Aclivision Blizzard公司 未能按预期 提升Xbox游戏关卡的订阅率。 Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard has failed to boost Xbox Game Pass subscriptions as hoped. 尽管Game Pass收入增加了5.7%,但微软公司没有达到内部目标,在实现到2030年达到1亿用户的目标方面面临挑战。 Despite growing Game Pass revenue by 5.7%, Microsoft missed internal targets and faces challenges in reaching its goal of 100 million subscribers by 2030. 这一目标需要显著的年增长率,一些分析家认为这是雄心勃勃的。 This goal requires a significant annual growth rate, which some analysts view as ambitious. 此外,尽管有吸引游戏开发商到Azure服务器的计划,但Aclivision仍然使用谷歌云和亚马逊网络服务。 Additionally, despite plans to attract game developers to Azure servers, Activision still uses Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services. 微软对AI的关注也可能转移人们对赌博的注意力。 Microsoft's focus on AI may also divert attention from gaming.