马来西亚法院批准对前PM Muhyiddin滥用权力和洗钱指控进行联合审判。 Malaysian court approves joint trial for ex-PM Muhyiddin on power abuse, money laundering charges.
马来西亚法院已批准对前总理穆赫伊丁·亚辛进行联合审判,他面临四起滥用权力指控和三起洗钱指控。 A Malaysian court has approved a joint trial for former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who faces four charges of abusing his power and three of money laundering. 阿祖拉·阿尔维法官裁定,所有指控都是相互关联的,源自同一系列行为,使联合审判既有效又符合司法利益。 Judge Azura Alwi ruled that all charges are interrelated and stem from the same series of acts, making a joint trial both efficient and in the interest of justice. 该案件定于2月18日进一步处理,检方计划传唤30名证人。 The case is scheduled for further management on February 18, with the prosecution planning to call 30 witnesses.