Kenny Chesney 将于 5 月 22 日开始在技术先进的 Sphere 举办 12 场拉斯维加斯驻场演出。 Kenny Chesney launches 12-show Vegas residency at technologically advanced Sphere, starting May 22.
乡村音乐明星肯尼·切斯尼 (Kenny Chesney) 宣布从 5 月 22 日开始在拉斯维加斯的 Sphere 进行 12 场驻场演出。 Country music star Kenny Chesney announced a 12-show residency at the Sphere in Las Vegas, starting May 22. 球体以其4D技术和先进的音响系统而闻名,将为球迷提供深入体验。 The Sphere, known for its 4D technology and advanced sound systems, will offer fans an immersive experience. KC社区成员的预售现已开放,一般入场券和预留座位自1月21日起开放,1月31日起公开销售。 Pre-sale for KC Community members is open now, with tickets for general admission and reserved seating available starting January 21 and public sale on January 31.