K92 采矿业领导层改组,任命人力资源、对外事务和勘探的新负责人。 K92 Mining reshuffles leadership, appointing new heads for HR, external affairs, and exploration.
K92采矿公司为了加强其团队,已经对领导层进行了几次调整。 K92 Mining has made several leadership changes to bolster its team. 海迪·格罗布勒(Heidi Grobler)现任人力资源副总裁,斯坦利·科蒙特(Stanley Komunt)将于2025年担任对外事务总经理,接替即将退休的马克·舒伯特(Mark Schubert),安德鲁·科勒(Andrew Kohler)是新任勘探临时副总裁。 Heidi Grobler is now Vice President of Human Resources, Stanley Komunt will become General Manager of External Affairs in 2025, replacing retiring Mark Schubert, and Andrew Kohler is the new Interim Vice President of Exploration. Chris Muller要离开公司 Chris Muller is leaving the company. Grobler、Komunt和Kohler在各自领域带来丰富经验。 Grobler, Komunt, and Kohler bring extensive experience in their respective fields.