爱尔兰当局寻找失踪的27岁的Luke Price,最后一次在1月14日在Limerick被发现。 Irish authorities seek missing 27-year-old Luke Price, last seen on Jan. 14 in Limerick.
Gardaí正在寻找27岁的Luke Price, 来自Limerick的Mountkennet, 最后一次见到他是1月14日下午9时。 Gardaí are searching for 27-year-old Luke Price from Mountkennet, Limerick, who was last seen on January 14 at 9 pm. Luke被描述为6英尺高,瘦瘦,长着发发和蓝眼睛,穿着黑色外套、蓝色牛仔裤和黑色靴子。 Luke is described as 6 feet tall, slim, with auburn hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a black coat, blue jeans, and black boots. 关心他的福祉、当局和家人请公众与Henry Street Garda警察局或Garda保密线联系,如果他们有任何信息。 Concerned for his wellbeing, authorities and family ask the public to contact Henry Street Garda Station or the Garda Confidential Line if they have any information.