印度学生承认从一个针对澳大利亚老年人的骗局中收集并使用48 000美元的资金。 Indian student admits to collecting and using $48,000 in funds from a scam targeting elderly Australians.
一个针对澳大利亚老年人的骗局涉及假扮PayPal、Telstra和McAfee官员的欺诈者,骗骗受害者留下银行卡和纸箱中的现金。 A scam targeting elderly Australians involved fraudsters posing as officials from PayPal, Telstra, and McAfee, tricking victims into leaving their bank cards and cash in letterboxes. 印度学生Aman Kumar承认收集被盗物品,并使用或出售这些物品,共计约48 000美元。 Indian student Aman Kumar admitted to collecting the stolen items and using or selling them, totaling about $48,000. 他在闭路电视上被抓获,正在等待对近40项欺诈指控的判刑。 He was caught on CCTV and is awaiting sentencing for nearly 40 fraud charges.