印度官员计划就扎克伯格对印度选举失败的评论传唤 Meta。 Indian officials plan to summon Meta over Zuckerberg's comments on India's election losses.
印度议会官员计划传唤 Facebook 的母公司 Meta,因为首席执行官马克·扎克伯格 (Mark Zuckerberg) 的评论暗示印度执政政府因处理 COVID-19 大流行不当而输掉了 2024 年的选举。 Indian parliamentary officials plan to summon Meta, Facebook's parent company, over CEO Mark Zuckerberg's comments suggesting India's ruling government lost the 2024 elections due to mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic. 扎克伯格在播客上发表了这些言论,这引发了印度政界人士的强烈反对,联邦部长阿什维尼·瓦什诺 (Ashwini Vaishnaw) 称该声明“事实不正确”。 Zuckerberg made these remarks on a podcast, which sparked backlash from Indian politicians, with Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw calling the statement "factually incorrect." 由印度人民党议员 Nishikant Dubey 领导的议会通信和信息技术常设委员会打算要求 Meta 就传播有关印度民主制度的错误信息道歉。 The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technology, led by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, intends to demand an apology from Meta for spreading misinformation about India's democratic system.