Google将“雀巢保护”警报整合到 Google Home 应用程序中, 添加智能锁的管理 。 Google integrates Nest Protect alarms into Google Home app, adding management for smart locks.
Google正在将“雀巢保护”烟雾和CO警报器纳入其Google Home应用程序,使用户能够管理这些装置以及经物质认证的智能锁。 Google is integrating Nest Protect smoke and CO alarms into its Google Home app, allowing users to manage these devices along with Matter-certified smart locks. 特点包括接收警报、管理客人密码和远程锁定。 Features include receiving alerts, managing guest passcodes, and remote locking. 在Android的公开预览中正在推出这些变化, The changes are rolling out in a Public Preview for Android, with an iOS version coming soon. Nest 应用程序将保持维护模式。 The Nest app will remain in maintenance mode.