前英格兰板球运动员Kevin Pietersen认为自己在球队的争斗中 成为了印度的击球教练。 Ex-England cricketer Kevin Pietersen considers becoming India's batting coach amid team's struggles.
前英格兰板球运动员Kevin Pietersen已表示有兴趣成为印度的击球教练, Former England cricketer Kevin Pietersen has shown interest in becoming India's batting coach, following the team's recent poor performances and losses to New Zealand and Australia. 印度上次在2019年 有个指定的击球教练 India last had a designated batting coach in 2019. Pietersen的丰富经验,包括在国际比赛中得13 000多分,可以帮助Rohit Sharma 和 Virat Kohli 等明星运动员改进他们的形式。 Pietersen's extensive experience, including scoring over 13,000 runs in international matches, could help star players like Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli improve their form.