当局搜寻失踪的86岁的Dale E. Haven, 最后在爱荷华州Adair被发现。 Authorities search for missing 86-year-old Dale E. Haven, last seen in Adair, Iowa.
一名86岁的老人Dale E. Haven从星期三下午3时30分在爱荷华的Adair失踪。 An 86-year-old man, Dale E. Haven, is missing since 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in Adair, Iowa. 他被描述为一名身着白头发的5英尺至10英尺男性,身着绿色黑格衬衫,驾驶2010年克莱斯勒塞布林车,车牌号为LXZ-893。 He is described as a 5-foot-10 male with white hair, wearing a green and black plaid shirt, and driving a 2010 Chrysler Sebring with license plate LXZ-893. 当局相信他可能感到困惑和迷失。 Authorities believe he may be confused and lost. 任何知情者应拨打911或Pottawattamie县通信中心712-328-5737。 Anyone with information should call 911 or the Pottawattamie County Communications Center at 712-328-5737.