Anduril计划建造一家1B俄亥俄州工厂,为AI驱动的无人机和导弹生产创造4,000个工作岗位。 Anduril plans a $1B Ohio factory, creating 4,000 jobs for AI-driven drone and missile production.
安杜里尔,国防技术公司, 计划在俄亥俄州建造一个10亿美元的工厂, 创造超过4000个工作岗位。 Anduril, a defense tech company, plans to build a $1 billion factory in Ohio, creating over 4,000 jobs. 该设施被称为Arsenal-1,每年将生产数以千计的自主系统和武器,包括无人机和导弹。 Known as Arsenal-1, the facility will produce thousands of autonomous systems and weapons annually, including drones and missiles. 该项目旨在利用人工智能和机器人技术以较低的成本和更高的体积生产无人机。 The project aims to leverage AI and robotics to produce drones at a lower cost and higher volume. 这一举动与五角大楼促进低成本无人驾驶飞机生产的努力是一致的,尽管由于领导层的更迭,该倡议的未来不确定。 This move aligns with the Pentagon's efforts to boost low-cost drone production, though the initiative's future is uncertain due to leadership changes.