阿拉巴马州男子因使用猎枪驱散狗斗殴而被捕; Alabama man arrested for using shotgun to break up dog fight; faces firearm, cruelty charges.
在阿拉巴马州的福里,61岁的Thomas K. Hall在接到枪声和警犬打架的报告后,使用猎枪在后院驱散狗斗殴后被逮捕。 In Foley, Alabama, 61-year-old Thomas K. Hall was arrested after using a shotgun to break up a dog fight in his backyard, following reports of gunshots and dogs fighting. 霍尔因在城市范围内发射枪支而面临指控,并因未为两只受伤的狗寻求治疗而面临两项虐待动物的指控。 Hall faced charges for discharging a firearm in the city limits and two counts of animal cruelty for not seeking medical treatment for two injured dogs. 警方没有发现狗受枪伤的迹象。 Police found no evidence of gunshot injuries to the dogs.