温暖的温度将热带森林的光合作用减少了35%,加剧了气候变化。 Warmer temperatures reduce tropical forests' photosynthesis by 35%, exacerbating climate change.
最近对Daintree雨林的研究表明,气温上升严重影响热带森林进行光合的能力,减少二氧化碳吸收,并加剧气候变化。 Recent research in the Daintree rainforest reveals that rising temperatures severely impact tropical forests' ability to photosynthesize, reducing carbon dioxide absorption and worsening climate change. 热叶的光合作用率下降了35%,树木适应温度升高的能力有限。 Photosynthesis rates dropped by 35% in warmed leaves, and trees showed limited ability to adjust to higher temperatures. 这一调查结果突出表明,迫切需要保护热带森林,限制碳排放,以维持其在减缓全球变暖方面的关键作用。 This finding highlights the urgent need to protect tropical forests and limit carbon emissions to maintain their crucial role in mitigating global warming.