警方正在搜寻失踪妇女 Ingrid Valverde-Ponce, 最后一次见到是1月11日。 Sun Prairie police are searching for missing woman Ingrid Valverde-Ponce, last seen January 11.
Sun Prairie警察局正在搜寻27岁的Ingrid Isamar Valverde-Ponce, 最后一次见到是在1月11日, The Sun Prairie Police Department is searching for 27-year-old Ingrid Isamar Valverde-Ponce, last seen on January 11 near W. Klubertanz Drive. 据报告,她于下午6时15分至6时30分在North Street附近被送走,此后一直无人见过她。 She was reportedly dropped off around 6:15-6:30 p.m. near North Street and has not been seen since. 与她在一起的最后一个人Gerson Blas Noe因提供虚假信息而被捕,并被作为相关人员关押。 Gerson Blas Noe, the last person seen with her, has been arrested for providing false information and is held as a person of interest. Valverde-Ponce被描述为5英尺高,体重190磅,马尾有长黑色头发。 Valverde-Ponce is described as 5 feet tall, weighing 190 pounds, with long black hair in a ponytail. 警方敦促任何有情报的人与他们联系。 Police urge anyone with information to contact them.