研究发现,旋转玉米和大豆作物可提高产量,适应气候变化。 Study finds rotating corn and soybean crops boosts yields, adapting to climate changes.
明尼苏达大学双城大学的一项全球变化生物学研究表明,玉米和大豆作物轮流种植的好处因气候而异,较寒冷地区的玉米和较温暖地区的大豆生长蓬勃。 A University of Minnesota Twin Cities study in Global Change Biology reveals that the benefits of rotating corn and soybean crops vary with climate, with corn thriving in colder areas and soybeans in warmer regions. 利用先进机器学习模型进行的研究表明,增加作物轮作仍可提高产量,并可作为一项气候适应战略。 The research, using advanced machine learning models, suggests that increasing crop rotation can still boost yields and serve as a climate adaptation strategy. 这项研究突出强调了诸如抗虫害作物等潜在进展,供今后研究使用。 The study highlights potential advancements like pest-resistant crops for future research.