自1月21日起,加拿大限制大多数学生和工人的配偶获得工作许可。 Starting Jan 21, Canada restricts work permits for spouses of most students and workers.
从2025年1月21日起,加拿大将限制国际学生和外籍工人的配偶的开放式工作许可证。 Starting January 21, 2025, Canada will restrict open work permits (OWPs) for spouses of international students and foreign workers. 参加硕士课程16个月或16个月以上的学生配偶和博士课程的配偶将有资格参加,从事高技能工作(TEER 0或1)或劳动力短缺部门选定的TEER 2或3职业的工人配偶也将有资格参加。 Spouses of students in master's programs lasting 16 months or more and doctoral programs will qualify, as will spouses of workers in high-skill jobs (TEER 0 or 1) or selected TEER 2 or 3 occupations in labor-shortage sectors. 外籍工人的受扶养子女将不再有资格。 Dependent children of foreign workers will no longer be eligible. 目前的许可证持有者仍然有效,但新的申请将遵循更严格的标准。 Current permit holders will still be valid, but new applications will follow the stricter criteria.