斯波坎是华盛顿九个城市之一,为2026年世界杯举办球迷区. Spokane among nine Washington cities hosting fan zones for the 2026 FIFA World Cup.
Spokane被选为美国、加拿大和墨西哥共同主办的2026年国际足联世界杯9个华盛顿正式球迷区之一。 Spokane has been chosen as one of nine official fan zones in Washington for the 2026 FIFA World Cup, co-hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 这些粉丝区,包括Bellingham、Everett、Bremerton、Tacoma、Olympia/North Lacey、Yakima、三市和温哥华的粉丝区,将主办活动、娱乐和放映比赛,让当地人和游客参加。 These fan zones, including those in Bellingham, Everett, Bremerton, Tacoma, Olympia/North Lacey, Yakima, the Tri-Cities, and Vancouver, will host activities, entertainment, and screenings of matches to engage locals and visitors. 西雅图组织委员会旨在突出每个地区的独特产品,并在比赛期间推动国家经济。 The Seattle organizing committee aims to highlight each region's unique offerings and boost the state's economy during the tournament.