科学家利用人工智能设计新的蛋白质,这些蛋白质可以提供更廉价、更有效的蛇毒抗毒剂。 Scientists use AI to design new proteins that could offer cheaper, more effective snake antivenom.
科学家利用人工智能设计新的蛋白质,这些蛋白质能够中和蛇毒毒液中的致命毒素,为传统抗毒液提供了一种可能更廉价、更有效的替代方法。 Scientists have used AI to design new proteins that can neutralize deadly toxins in snake venom, offering a potentially cheaper and more effective alternative to traditional antivenom. 这些蛋白质通过计算生物学产生,可以针对特定的毒液成分,比动物抗体产生的现有抗毒液更容易生产和储存。 These proteins, created through computational biology, can target specific venom components and are easier to produce and store than current antivenoms derived from animal antibodies. 这一突破可以使发展中国家蛇咬受害者更容易获得和负担得起的治疗。 The breakthrough could make treatments more accessible and affordable for snakebite victims in developing countries.