Rusty Williams, Paramore的Hayley Williams的祖父, 在Zac Farro的标签上发行70年代首张专辑《大人物》。 Rusty Williams, Paramore's Hayley Williams' grandfather, releases debut 70s-recorded album "Grand Man" on Zac Farro's label.
Hayley Williams的祖父Rusty Williams定于2月14日发表首张专辑《大人物》, Hayley Williams' grandfather, Rusty Williams, is set to release his debut album "Grand Man" on February 14, featuring music recorded in the 1970s. 最近发现的专辑正由Paramore鼓手Zac Farro的标签“恭喜唱片”发行。 The album, discovered recently, is being released by Paramore drummer Zac Farro's label, Congrats Records. 首张单曲"敲门"已经发行. A lead single, "Knocking (At Your Door)," is already available. Hayley长久以来一直欣赏她祖父的原始音乐风格,她正在支持这个项目。 Hayley, who has long appreciated her grandfather's raw musical style, is supporting the project.