Ringo Starr在Grand Ole Opry首演,演唱他的新乡村专辑的歌曲。 Ringo Starr to debut at the Grand Ole Opry, performing songs from his new country album.
前披头士和摇滚名人堂成员林戈·斯塔尔将于2月21日在大奥普里首次亮相,恰逢其100周年庆典。 Ringo Starr, a former Beatle and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, will make his debut at the Grand Ole Opry on February 21, coinciding with its 100th-anniversary celebration. 这是继Emmylou Harris的邀请和最近在Nashville的Ryman礼堂的售出节目之后,他从他的新乡村专辑《向上看》中揭开歌曲。 This follows his invitation from Emmylou Harris and his recent sold-out shows at Nashville's Ryman Auditorium, where he debuted songs from his new country album, "Look Up." Ryman的表演 将在即将到来的 CBS 特别节目中展出 The Ryman performances will be featured in an upcoming CBS special. Starr也将一首歌的收益捐给红十字会, 用于野火救援。 Starr is also donating proceeds from a song to the Red Cross for wildfire relief.