《报告》强调,由于收入增加,印度汽车和智能手机等部门有大幅增长的潜力。 Report highlights India's potential for significant growth in sectors like cars and smartphones due to rising incomes.
CICI共同基金的一份报告指出,由于汽车、空调机和智能手机等部门的渗透率低,印度出现了显著增长机会。 A report by ICICI Mutual Fund points out significant growth opportunities in India due to low penetration in sectors like cars, air conditioners, and smartphones. 随着年轻人口和收入增加,国内需求预计将增长,并辅之以强劲的经济基本面。 With a young population and rising incomes, domestic demand is expected to grow, supported by robust economic fundamentals. 报告强调了印度在吸引大量投资和创新、确保长期发展方面的潜力。 The report highlights India's potential to attract substantial investment and innovation, ensuring long-term development.