量子精度保证2 000万美元用于大规模生产便携式钻石量子计算机。 Quantum Brilliance secures $20M to mass-produce portable diamond-based quantum computers.
德国-澳大利亚的启动项目 " 量子智能 " 已经获得2 000万美元用于大规模生产便携式量子计算机,使用以钻石为基础的、在室温下运行的qubits。 Quantum Brilliance, a German-Australian startup, has secured $20 million to mass-produce portable quantum computers using diamond-based qubits that operate at room temperature. 这一创新由投资人(包括In-Q-Tel和Intervalley Ventures)资助,使技术能够在数据中心、自主车辆和卫星等各种环境下使用,而不需要专门的冷却系统。 This innovation, funded by investors including In-Q-Tel and Intervalley Ventures, allows the technology to be used in various settings like data centers, autonomous vehicles, and satellites, without needing specialized cooling systems. 该公司计划建造一个量子钻石工厂,并开发量子感测应用原型。 The company plans to build a quantum diamond factory and develop prototypes for quantum sensing applications.