拉马福萨总统会见了新的理事会,以促进南非经济和解决贫穷问题。 President Ramaphosa meets new council to boost South Africa's economy and address poverty.
西里尔·拉马福萨总统领导了南非新的总统经济咨询理事会第一次会议,其目的是促进经济增长和解决贫穷问题。 President Cyril Ramaphosa led the first meeting of South Africa's new Presidential Economic Advisory Council (PEAC), aimed at boosting economic growth and addressing poverty. 理事会将就20国集团主席的政策提供咨询意见,重点是为公平能源转变提供资金、减少债务、加强灾害应对和利用矿物促进可持续增长。 The council will advise on policies for the G20 presidency, focusing on financing a fair energy shift, reducing debt, enhancing disaster response, and using minerals for sustainable growth. 理事会还讨论了促进经济转型和技能发展的改革问题。 The council also discussed reforms for economic transformation and skills development.