教皇弗朗西斯谴责童工现象,敦促消费者和机构打击剥削行为。 Pope Francis condemns child labor, urging consumers and institutions to combat exploitation.
教皇弗朗西斯谴责童工和剥削,指出数百万儿童被迫从事危险工作和贩运。 Pope Francis condemned child labor and exploitation, noting the millions of children forced into dangerous work and trafficking. 他敦促人们提高认识和承担责任,呼吁消费者质疑他们买什么,并要求机构投资于无童工公司。 He urged awareness and responsibility, calling on consumers to question what they buy and on institutions to invest in child-labor-free companies. 教皇还对缅甸的灾难受害者表示声援,并祈祷冲突地区的和平。 The Pope also expressed solidarity with disaster victims in Myanmar and prayed for peace in conflict regions.