尼日利亚战争兽医批评军队对退休人员的不良待遇,包括无薪养老金。 Nigerian war vet criticizes army's poor treatment of retirees, including unpaid pensions.
一名76岁的尼日利亚内战老兵纳西鲁·萨拉米上校批评尼日利亚退役军人的待遇差,包括领不到奖金和养恤金。 A 76-year-old Nigerian civil war veteran, Col. Nasiru Salami, criticizes the poor treatment of retired Nigerian Army personnel, including unpaid bonuses and pensions. Salami在战争中失去了右脚, 表示他不会鼓励孩子参军, Salami, who lost his right foot in the war, says he won't encourage his children to join the army due to lack of support for veterans. 他是尼日利亚军团拉各斯分会秘书,代表24 000多名成员。 He serves as the Secretary of the Nigerian Legion, Lagos Chapter, representing over 24,000 members.