纽约州警方搜查了闯入高尔夫球场、偷窃工具并在一辆旧吉普车上被发现的嫌疑人。 New York State Police search for suspects who broke into a golf course, stole tools, and were seen in an older Jeep.
纽约州警方正在搜寻两人, 两人于1月11日闯入Endwell Greens Golf Course的锁闭仓库, New York State Police are searching for two individuals who broke into a locked storage building at Endwell Greens Golf Course on January 11, stealing several tools. 监控录像显示 嫌犯在一辆老式吉普车上 Surveillance footage shows the suspects in an older model Jeep. 警方已公布嫌犯的图像,并敦促任何有情报的人在607-561-7400时联系他们,参照NY250033224号案。 The police have released images of the suspects and are urging anyone with information to contact them at 607-561-7400, referencing Case NY2500033224.