拉各斯计划拆除Cele地下桥附近的棚户区和非法市场,以解决安全和排水问题。 Lagos plans to demolish shanties and illegal markets near Cele underbridge to address safety and drainage issues.
拉各斯州环境部计划拆除塞莱桥下桥周围的棚户区和非法市场,因为存在安全、环境和犯罪问题。 The Lagos State Ministry of Environment plans to demolish shanties and illegal markets around the Cele underbridge due to safety, environmental, and criminal issues. Tokunbo Wahab专员说,这些结构已经得到通知,必须拆除,以改善排水系统。 Commissioner Tokunbo Wahab stated that the structures have been notified and must be removed to improve the drainage system. 地方政府将为受影响的贸易商提供适当的市场。 The local government will provide proper markets for the affected traders.