Jay Leno用一辆旧消防车供应BBQ餐,支持消防员与LA野火作战。 Jay Leno supports firefighters battling LA wildfires by serving BBQ meals with a vintage fire truck.
喜剧演员Jay Leno正在支持洛杉矶消防员与野火作斗争, Comedian Jay Leno is supporting Los Angeles firefighters battling wildfires by serving them BBQ meals with his vintage fire truck. Leno赞扬消防员,将他们的努力与军事行动作比较,并对他们在包括强风在内的具有挑战性的条件下辛勤工作表示感谢。 Leno praised the firefighters, comparing their efforts to a military operation, and expressed his gratitude for their hard work amid challenging conditions, including strong winds. 火灾至少造成25人死亡,Leno的努力受到洛杉矶消防局的欢迎。 The fire has caused at least 25 deaths, and Leno's efforts have been welcomed by the Los Angeles Fire Department.