James H. Barnes-Morris被控在Brooke Strattan的死案中 一级谋杀罪 在麦迪逊池塘被发现 James H. Barnes-Morris charged with first-degree murder in Brooke Strattan's death found in Madison pond.
James H. Barnes-Morris被控在Brooke Strattan死亡时犯有一级故意杀人罪,其尸体于2024年10月3日在麦迪逊池塘中被发现。 James H. Barnes-Morris has been charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the death of Brooke Strattan, whose body was found in a Madison pond on October 3, 2024. Strattan最后一次被看见在9月30日与Barnes-Morris一起活着,Barnes-Morris在尸体被发现前一晚被拘押。 Strattan was last seen alive on September 30 with Barnes-Morris, who was taken into custody the night before her body was discovered. Dane县地方检察官办公室正在审查该案件,以决定将要提出的控告。 The Dane County District Attorney's office is reviewing the case to decide the charges to be filed.