爱尔兰总理在应FOI要求发布喜剧播客访谈前, 面临各种各样的问题。 Irish PM faced a wide range of questions before comedy podcast interview, released after FOI request.
爱尔兰总理哈里斯(Simon Harris)在11月接受爱尔兰喜剧播客《两强尼》采访之前,收到了一份详细问题清单。 Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris received a detailed list of questions before his November interview with the Irish comedy podcast The 2 Johnnies. 这些问题包括个人话题,如他的业余爱好和家务,以及移民和农村发展等政治问题。 The questions ranged from personal topics like his hobbies and housework to political issues such as immigration and rural development. 最初未公开的访谈涉及敏感问题,包括寻求庇护者和爱尔兰农业的未来。 The interview, initially unreleased, touched on sensitive subjects including asylum seekers and the future of Irish agriculture. 在信息自由要求之后,Taoiseach省最终提供了这份清单。 The Department of the Taoiseach eventually provided the list after a Freedom of Information request.