在汉密尔顿县,I-24看到夜间通道因照明修理而关闭,造成延误。 I-24 in Hamilton County sees overnight lane closures for lighting repairs, causing delays.
汉密尔顿县的I-24车道从星期二至星期五关闭过夜车道,进行照明修理。 I-24 in Hamilton County will have overnight lane closures from Tuesday to Friday for lighting repairs. 177至183英里界碑之间的内车道从下午9时至上午6时关闭。 每晚轮流工作。 The inside lane between mile markers 177 and 183 will be closed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Work alternates nightly between directions. 司机应预期延误,遵循标志,并使用TDOT智能路线地图或511等资源进行更新. Drivers should expect delays, follow signs, and use resources like the TDOT SmartWay Map or 511 for updates. 警察将协助交通管制。 Police will assist with traffic control.