喜马查尔邦设立了打击药物滥用和有组织犯罪特别工作队。 Himachal Pradesh launches Special Task Force to combat drug abuse and organized crime.
喜马恰尔邦首席部长设立了一个特别工作队,打击药物滥用和有组织犯罪。 Himachal Pradesh's Chief Minister has launched a Special Task Force (STF) to fight drug abuse and organized crime. 特别工作组由高级警官领导,包括经过专门训练的突击队,旨在摧毁毒品网络,以犯罪头目为目标,并加快法医工作。 Led by senior police officials, the STF includes specially trained commandos and aims to dismantle drug networks, target crime leaders, and speed up forensic work. 它将为毒品案件设立特别法庭,加强社区参与,并每两周提交进度报告。 It will establish special courts for drug cases, enhance community engagement, and submit progress reports every two weeks. 这一倡议反映了国家致力于创造更安全的环境。 This initiative reflects the state's dedication to creating a safer environment.