尼日利亚已故歌手Mohbad的父亲报告说,生活有所改善,将变化归功于神的帮助和公众的支持。 Father of deceased Nigerian singer Mohbad reports improved life, attributing changes to divine help and public support.
尼日利亚已故歌手Mohbad的父亲Joseph Aloba说,他的儿子在2023年9月去世后生活有所好转。 Joseph Aloba, the father of late Nigerian singer Mohbad, says his life improved after his son's death in September 2023. 阿洛巴将变化归因于神的干预和他儿子的精神,强调尼日利亚人给予他一辆汽车和其他物品的支持。 Aloba attributes the changes to divine intervention and his son's spirit, highlighting support from Nigerians who gifted him a car and other items. 他还发行了九首歌曲,以纪念他的儿子. He also released nine tracks in tribute to his son. Mohbad的死因仍在调查之中,涉及一名无证护士,他使用破伤风疫苗。 The cause of Mohbad's death remains under investigation, involving an unlicensed nurse who administered a Tetanus vaccine.