在伯克利南部24号公路发生致命事故 一名司机撞上一辆无人驾驶的工作卡车 被撞死 A fatal crash on Route 24 South in Berkley killed a driver who hit an unoccupied work truck.
在马萨诸塞州伯克利南部24号公路发生致命事故,一名司机在故障道撞上一辆无人驾驶的工作卡车,导致司机死亡。 A fatal crash occurred on Route 24 South in Berkley, Massachusetts, when a driver struck an unoccupied work truck in the breakdown lane, leading to the driver's death. 不久之后,另一起涉及两辆汽车的撞车事件对两名司机造成无生命威胁的伤害。 Shortly after, another crash involving two vehicles caused non-life-threatening injuries to both drivers. 该地区为调查而关闭,在坠机地点附近只有左车道开放。 The area was closed for investigation, with only the left lane open near the crash site.