德里法院以现行条例为由,驳回在寺庙附近禁止烟草销售的请愿书。 Delhi court rejects petition to ban tobacco sales near temples, citing existing regulations.
德里高等法院驳回了寺庙祭司Abhimanyu Sharma要求禁止在寺庙附近销售烟草的请愿书。 The Delhi High Court has rejected a petition by temple priest Abhimanyu Sharma seeking to ban tobacco sales near temples. 法院指出,根据《香烟和其他烟草制品法》,管制此类销售是现有当局的责任。 The court stated that regulating such sales is the responsibility of existing authorities under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act. 神父辩称,宗教场所附近的烟草销售是不适当和冒犯性的,但法院拒绝发布任何新的指令。 The priest argued that tobacco sales near religious sites are inappropriate and offensive, but the court declined to issue any new directives.