Chrissy Teigen在野火疏散后在家庆祝女儿Esti的2岁生日。 Chrissy Teigen celebrates daughter Esti's 2nd birthday at home after wildfire evacuation.
Chrissy Teigen在家庆祝她女儿Esti的二岁生日, Chrissy Teigen celebrated her daughter Esti's 2nd birthday at home after evacuating due to the Los Angeles wildfires. 该家庭,包括丈夫约翰·传奇和其他子女,于1月8日离家出走。 The family, including husband John Legend and their other children, left their home on January 8th. Teigen与John Cena行动人物分享了一张自制巧克力蛋糕的照片, 反映了Esti最近痴迷的情绪。 Teigen shared a photo of a homemade chocolate cake with John Cena action figures, reflecting Esti's recent obsession. 尽管情况令人惊恐,但Teigen对及时返回家园庆祝生日表示感谢。 Despite the scary situation, Teigen expressed gratitude for returning home in time for the birthday celebration.