亿万富翁穆斯克、扎克伯格和贝佐斯 参加特朗普的就职典礼 配合新政府 Billionaires Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos attend Trump's inauguration, aligning with the new administration.
Elon Musk、Mark Zuckerberg和Jeff Bezos将出席Donald Trump的就职典礼, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos are set to attend Donald Trump's inauguration, seated alongside Cabinet nominees and elected officials. 全世界最富有的科技巨头 各自都努力配合特朗普的政府 The tech moguls, among the world's wealthiest, have each made efforts to align with Trump's administration. Musk、Zuckerberg和Bezos向Trump的竞选活动或创始基金捐赠资金, 他们的公司也调整了政策, Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos have donated funds to Trump's campaign or inaugural fund, and their companies have adjusted policies to support the incoming administration.