活动主义者要求国家对无家可归问题采取行动,在准入和政策问题上与麦基州长发生冲突。 Activists demand state action on homelessness, clash with Governor McKee over access and policy.
由Black Lives Matter Rodon Island PAC组织的进步倡导者于1月14日在罗得岛州议会举行「人民国家状况」活动。 Progressive advocates, organized by Black Lives Matter Rhode Island PAC, held a "People's State of the State" event on January 14 at the Rhode Island State House. 由于无法进入圆形大厅,他们聚集在钟声厅,强调经济差距和社会挑战,敦促州长丹·麦基 (Dan McKee) 宣布该州不断增长的无家可归人口进入公共卫生紧急状态,并反对削减预算以解决 3.3 亿美元的赤字。 Blocked from the Rotunda, they gathered in the Bell Room to highlight economic disparities and social challenges, urging Governor Dan McKee to declare a public health emergency for the state’s growing homeless population and opposing budget cuts to address a $330 million deficit. 也批评Mckee封锁Rotunda的示威者, 并禁止电视摄像头。 Advocates also criticized McKee for blocking protesters from the Rotunda and banning TV cameras.