各国正在采取更严厉的犯罪政策,实行更严厉的惩罚,加大执法力度,赢得两党的支持。 States are adopting tougher crime policies, with stricter penalties and increased enforcement gaining bipartisan support.
美国各州的严厉打击犯罪办法正在形成势头,共和党和民主党都要求更严厉的惩罚。 A tough-on-crime approach is gaining momentum across US states, with both Republicans and Democrats pushing for stricter penalties. 去年秋天,在几个州批准投票措施之后,新的倡议旨在对商店行窃和毒品交易等罪行处以更严厉的刑罚,并加强对无证移民的执法。 Following the approval of ballot measures in several states last fall, new initiatives aim to impose harsher sentences for crimes like shoplifting and drug dealing, and to increase enforcement against undocumented immigrants. 密苏里州新任总督Mike Kehoe承诺发布针对犯罪和移民违法行为的命令,这反映出在公众日益关注犯罪的情况下,更严格执法和判刑的全国性大趋势。 Missouri's new Governor, Mike Kehoe, has pledged to issue orders targeting crime and immigration violations, reflecting a broader national trend of stricter law enforcement and sentencing amid growing public concern about crime.