罗得岛的华盛顿大桥依然安全, Rhode Island's Washington Bridge remains safe despite "fair" condition report, easing public concerns.
最近对罗德岛华盛顿大桥东向一侧的检查报告显示,它处于“公平”和“安全”状态。 The recent inspection report of Rhode Island's Washington Bridge eastbound side, now carrying both directions of traffic, indicates it is in "fair" condition and safe. 尽管存在裂缝和腐蚀等一些小问题,但不需要新的重量限制。 Despite some minor issues like cracks and corrosion, no new weight restrictions are needed. 国家每六个月增加一次检查,并密切监测桥梁的健康情况。 The state has increased inspections to every six months and is closely monitoring the bridge's health. 报告回应了批评者的关切,指出这座桥在西行一侧重建之前能够应付负荷,不会对其60-75年的寿命产生影响。 The report addresses concerns from critics, stating the bridge can handle the load until the westbound side is rebuilt, with no impact on its 60-75 year lifespan.