Cyril Ndifon教授面临ICPC的性骚扰指控,声称他以前被免罪。 Professor Cyril Ndifon faces sexual harassment charges from the ICPC, claims he was previously exonerated.
Cyril Ndifon教授,被卡拉巴尔大学停学,正在为自己辩护,以反对ICPC提出的性骚扰指控。 Professor Cyril Ndifon, suspended from the University of Calabar, is defending himself against sexual harassment charges brought by the ICPC. 他声称,他以前已被警察总监和总检察长免除罪责。 He claims to have been previously exonerated by the Inspector-General of Police and the Attorney-General. Ndifon被指控通过WhessApp向学生索取不雅照片。 Ndifon is accused of asking a student for indecent photos via WhatsApp. 他的律师争辩说,以前曾有过无罪开释,审判仍在进行中。 His lawyer argues that there was a previous acquittal, and the trial is ongoing.