Ocado报告销售大幅增长,高达14%至2.7bn英镑,由更多的订单和客户驱动。 Ocado reports significant sales growth, up 14% to £2.7bn, driven by more orders and customers.
奥卡多(Ocado)是一家在线杂货零售商, 报导在截至12月1日的一年中销售额翻了一番, Ocado, an online grocery retailer, reported a 14% jump in sales to £2.7bn for the year to December 1, marking significant growth. 该公司与Marks & Spencer合作, Q4收入增长了17.5%, 达到7.158亿英镑, The company, which partners with Marks & Spencer, saw a 17.5% increase in Q4 revenues to £715.8 million, driven by a 17% rise in order volumes and a 12.1% increase in active customers to 1.1 million. 尽管这一增长,但Ocado的股份价格仍然低于2020年的水平。 Despite this growth, Ocado's share prices remain below 2020 levels. 该公司将其成功归功于客户服务的改善和产品范围的扩大。 The company attributes its success to improved customer service and a wider product range.