新泽西州警方寻找试图绑架女孩的男子;对嫌疑人进行了描述,提供了联系信息。 New Jersey police seek man who tried to abduct girl; suspect described, contact info provided.
新泽西州警察正在寻找一名男子,他企图在周日约上午11时30分在Maurice River镇的家中绑架一名女孩。 New Jersey State Police are searching for a man who attempted to abduct a girl outside her home in Maurice River Township on Sunday around 11:30 am. 嫌犯是一名30到40岁的白人男性,左下巴有两英寸长的疤痕,最后一次被看见身着所有黑衣。 The suspect, a white male in his 30s to 40s with a two-inch jagged scar on his left jawline, was last seen wearing all black clothing. 任何有信息的人请联系"A"部队在诺里斯港站的856-785-0036号. Anyone with information should contact the Troop "A" Port Norris Station at 856-785-0036.